September 2009
News from ADEC Preview
Open Day
We are currently organising an Open Day for customers and prospects to give you the opportunity not only to speak to key members of our staff but also to see the facilities and equipment where the work is carried out. This will be happening in early October and we will be sending out further details in the near future. View Invite
New Website Development
We have decided that the time has come to revamp the Company's website which, having served the Company well has now become a little restrictive as the Company continues to expand and move ahead.

We have, therefore, been working to develop a website which we believe will give us that opportunity going forward and one where information and advice will be easily findable.
The website has been launched in conjunction with the release of this newsletter so please follow the link below for further viewing –
ADEC Preview´s Green Initiative Results
As part of our efforts to reduce energy consumption and carbon production; we have been working in partnership with you our customers to help reduce our carbon footprint.
Around 75% of our clients that undertook scanning between June 2008 and June 2009 made the decision after scanning to have their paper documents securely shredded and recycled.

Results to date show expected CO2 savings of 34,055 Kg's with a total number of trees saved at 901 which equates to 15,015 reams of A4 paper. Based on the results of the CO2 reductions of 34 tonnes this equates to the equivalent of driving an average family car 205,151 kilometres.
Thank you for your assistance in making this initiative a success and we look forward to continuing this initiative on your behalf in the future.
AUS-NZ Climate Change & Business 2009
ADEC Preview attended the AUS-NZ Climate Change & Business 2009 at the new Melbourne Convention Centre this Monday 24 - Wednesday 26 August 2009.
The exhibition of carbon market and climate change sectors aimed at assisting you in preparing a climate change response.
Further information can be found at the following site:
Case Study - Dr. Anthony Kane Plastic Surgeon

With the legal requirement to retain all medical patient records for a minimum of 10 years after last attendance, for a successful and thriving practice it was essential to find a workable long term solution to ease the burden of storage and de-clutter the office. Furthermore Dr.Kane had never been comfortable with the idea of destroying his medical records.
Carbon Accounting

With the requirement for businesses in Australia and New Zealand to meet regulatory requirements on carbon emissions for business processes as well as assess the financial impact across their organisations, the ADEC Group has launched a new division FirstCarbon Solutions.