Dorset Police hot on Security - Sensitive Document Scanning

In recent years, ADEC Preview has worked with several UK Police Authorities, providing them with document scanning, archiving and indexing services. Much of the work has been focused on the sensitive area of child protection as a result of the IMPACT Programme which was set up in the wake of the Soham murders. This programme will ultimately deliver the Police National Database, a national intelligence sharing system. There have also been a number of other projects which fall under the Management of Police Information (MOPI) code of practice.
The latest project was for Dorset Police, who needed to scan and index several years worth of child protection files and required a document scanning services company with very specific qualities to ensure the absolute security of this information. Key to those requirements were that the personnel handling the files needed to have been security vetted within the previous 18 months.
Fortunately, because of their longstanding relationships with several Police Forces on projects relating to sensitive material, ADEC Preview has always maintained security vetted staff. They were therefore comfortably able to provide a team who had been fully vetted within the previous year, easily complying with the requirements. Since no additional verification was therefore required, they were able to progress the work quickly and smoothly.
There were still a number of additional requirements which placed certain functional constraints on the staff working on the project. Understandably, access to the files was restricted to normal working hours so many aspects of the work - namely the cataloguing, prepping, scanning and Quality Control stages - needed to be carried out on site during that time.
To ensure that the work was completed quickly and in line with the timeframes laid down for the project, a team of 6 people was used to carry out the work. With this team in place, ADEC Preview was able to deliver a fully scanned and indexed set of documents which contained some 600,000 images on schedule and on budget.
The scanning and indexing of existing paper based records has been key to the ongoing implementation of data-based policing initiatives. ADEC Preview offers a range of outsourced scanning, archiving & document management services perfectly matched to their requirements and, with Dorset Police, has once again demonstrated their ability to work closely with UK police forces to help them rapidly implement such initiatives.