IMPACT Programme
IMPACT Programme

ADEC Preview offers a range of outsourced scanning, archiving & document management services which can help UK police forces implement the IMPACT (Information Management, Prioritisation, Analysis, Co-ordination and Tasking) Programme.
"The scanning, digitisation and indexing of existing paper based records is key to the timely implementation of the IMPACT Programme."
Karen James, ADEC Preview Services IMPACT Programme team
More information : Scanning services
Origin of the IMPACT Programme
Plans to create a national information sharing and intelligence capability to meet the operational needs of the police service are well under way following the Bichard Inquiry earlier this year in light of the Soham murders. Indeed, the IMPACT Programme, a joint approach by the Home Office, ACPO and the Police Information Technology Organisation (PITO) - is the most significant initiative for intelligence-led policing in England and Wales.
The work has been given added impetus as a result of the Bichard Inquiry, which looked at the adequacy of child protection procedures, national and local intelligence systems, vetting procedures and information sharing, after Ian Huntley was allowed to slip through the net to become a school caretaker.