Local Authority HR File Scanning
Local authorities generally have large amounts of staff located across several locations. Although HR files for these staff are generally maintained at a central location, an employee who has moved between departments might easily have acquired three or four different personnel files.
Employee files typically contain a range of paper documents as diverse as application forms, CVs, work permits, sick notes, records of disciplinary proceedings and so on.
When a local authority customer of ADEC Preview recently took on the role of HR Planning & Information Manager, she found that the sheer volume of paper was becoming unmanageable and was taking up too much prime floor space.
All local authorities need to comply with government reporting requirements for these staff and this can become a real administrative headache.
ADEC Preview Services was chosen to carry out the scanning work because it offered the best combination of value for money and absolute confidentiality, which were primary requirements of the project.
Employee Data Scanning Services
In all, just over 6,000 files were processed and 340,000 images were created. The images were cross-indexed by employee name and TFN number and transferred to a set of just 23 CDs. The new system makes it very easy to consolidate the records for one employee in the same file - thus ensuring that any given employee's file is completely up to date.
Of ADEC Preview's management of the project, our customer commented, "ADEC Preview carried out the scanning efficiently and accurately and delivered on schedule. We had absolutely no issues with this aspect of the project - in short, a top quality job from a highly professional company!"
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