Health Organisation Medical Records
Patient Medical File Scanning
Paper based patient medical files are becoming a storage problem for many organisations and private practices around Australia. With an increasing effort to have medical files available upon request, there are many ways to have files retrieved by the touch of a button.
A health organisation had the enormous task of transferring over 1,400 archive boxes, containing in excess of 50,000 confidential patient records from 23 state-wide centres to consolidate them into a single electronic database.
The end goal was to digitise all the thousands of hardcopy files into a more user-friendly electronic record that could be used and added to by internal staff.
ADEC Preview organised 23 weekly collections and returns of up to 80 boxes each week in line with each centres transition date and digitised over 2 million images within 5 months. The added benefit of ADEC Previews Scan on Demand service was made available to the end users for the request of all urgent files which were in the scanning process, ensuring that work could continue as usual.
The digitised information was then converted to PDF files and indexed by the Patient Number, Surname and First name. All the images and indexed data were then supplied back onto portable hard drive for importing into the health organisations internal database.
For more information click here to leave an enquiry on our contact us page or Call Us on 02 8397 6900.